Equity, Diversity and Inclusion projects: Funding now available!

Do you have an idea for a small project with an EDI or anti-racism focus? The VCH Medical Staff EDI Committee welcomes your expressions of interest. Funding of up to $5,000 is available for ideas that can move equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism forward in your practice area or more broadly. We welcome applications from all medical staff. The committee can assist with your application and answer your questions. Contact Lina Abouzaid, Manager, Medical Staff Engagement for more information.

ICYMI: Indigenous Speaker Series

The UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion has made recordings of its Indigenous Speaker Series available online. The series is an original and important platform to begin, continue and advance the conversation about telling the truth and reconciling for the future.

Check it out here

The Switch to From VersaPay to VoPay

LGH Physician Engagement is in the process of transitioning to a new payment platform in FEMS. A banner with a link to VoPay will appear in FEMS when you log in. The link in the banner will take you to a sign up page to identify the bank account to the new processor. One of the benefits of VoPay is that no banking information is saved. This new system uses a token to link to your bank account, making it both anonymous and secure.

Another benefit is the potential cost savings to LGH Facility Engagement in the form of reduced transaction fees. The change process should take less than five minutes and must be done using the online version of FEMS rather than the app on your smartphone. Please contact LGHEngagement@outlook.com if you have any questions or would like additional guidance in registering.

Redevelopment Project Newsletters

The newsletters regarding the LGH redevelopment project are available on the VCH Intranet. Please note, a VCH employee login is required.

The Dr. Masaru Yukawa Award for Innovation in Workplace Wellness

Do you have an idea or a proposal that will improve workplace wellness for doctors and their colleagues? Open to all BC doctors, the Dr Masaru Yukawa Award for Innovation in Workplace Wellness hopes to motivate the study and remediation of physical, psychological, organizational, and other factors that might cause or perpetuate mental illness in those who work in the ORs, and by extension hospital wards, and other similar workplaces. You and your colleagues are encouraged to submit as many ideas and concepts as possible – the submission process is streamlined, open-ended, and simple.

An amount of $5,000 will be awarded annually to support the best proposed project or initiative. Dr Masaru Yukawa tragically took his own life three years ago, partly due to his struggles with mental health and pressures experienced within the workplace. The award was created in hopes of developing initiatives that improve workplace culture. The award is in partnership with the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine at the University Hospital in Edmonton where Dr Yukawa worked for many years. Criteria and award information can be found on the University of Alberta Hospital website. For further information, please contact Mr Tak Yukawa at tak@freeagencycreative.com.

LGH Engagement Video

Take a look at our new introductory video about LGH Engagement.

LGH Medical Staff Association Appreciation Lunches

Lunches will be the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (except holidays) in the Physician’s Lounge at LGH.

The Every Day Counts Program, in the Palliative Outpatient Care Centre

The Every Day Counts Program provides free psycho-social care, complementary to medical care, to individuals living with a life-threatening illness and their families on the North Shore and Bowen Island. It is located in The Palliative Hub which is part of the new Palliative Outpatient Centre.  It is connected to the Hospice.   For more information, including an activity schedule, please contact the coordinator, Jane Jordan, at 604-363-0961 or e-mail Everydaycounts@vch.ca. Check out their website: https://everydaycounts.ca/

Coffee, Tea and Water

Coffee (Decaf and Regular) and Tea is available in the physicians lounge at all times.  Cups are available but you can help the environment by using your own mug.  There is a water dispenser with hot and cold water selection.   Feel free to fill up your water bottles.